Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Oh boy. Somebody at MSNBC's "The Daily Rundown" (TDR) did not have their coffee this morning. If we're wondering why the American population is so uninformed, let's start with this (see photo).

Perhaps as important, TDR covered the remark by Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO) on "legitimate rape" in the A block. Do Akin's outrageous comments merit coverage in the news? Absolutely. Should it be the first thing we see in the broadcast? No, there are more important things to cover (somewhere, Will McAvoy/Aaron Sorkin is smiling). Why, you ask? Because here is the news from last night/this morning that is vitally more imporant:

- The 2,000th American soldier was killed in Afghanistan (NYT)

- The Congressional Budget Office says the U.S. could see another recession in 2013 (WaPo)

- Greece's prime minister seeks more time to reach deal with Germans on their borrowing (Reuters)


We need better news. And covering what one idiot said is not the way to do it.


  1. 1) I love your Newsroom reference, and I hope that it pops up in the "What are people saying about us on the Internet?" search the producers there hopefully do daily.
    1a) I wish News Night 2.0 were a real show.
    2) I also love your list of more important news items.
    3) To be fair (and contrary, as all comments must be), at least MSNBC says they're a political network. Obviously all of your items do have a political angle, but they're more News Night-y. MSNBC at least has an excuse to talk about Akin — which is a hugely interesting current-politics story — in the A block where, for example, CNN probably should be talking about that tiny little recession item. Or something.
    4) This blog is awesome. I hope my comments aren't annoying.

  2. Sara, your comments aren't annoying. Keep them coming!
